Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow in Seattle, take two.

I'm threatening to move to southern California. Our crazy weather has been too much for me lately. Last night we got our second drop of snow so far this year. I left work around 4:30 to pick up Atticus and didn't get home until 9!!!!!!!! That does include a trip to the grocery store and the time it took to put on CHAINS. We live on a hill and it would've been really tough to get up it without the chains. Our neighbor had to abandon her car and get rescued.

Snow is a pain, but it meant a snow day for Jeff and I. Plus Atticus is practicing for when he gets to visit Montana! Here are some pics.

Our house in the snow.
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Atticus and daddy sledding with the neighbor kids
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Poor Atticus! We need a snowsuit for him. We tried these boots leftover from our neighbor's younger days, but ultimately his feet ended up in plastic bags. We don't have any real shoes for him yet, just Robeez.
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MSB said...

I know what you mean... while we were down there in December I told J that we could move there... I would rather deal with earthquakes than snow!

little lightening bolt said...

The plastic bags are cute, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm saving up mittens, boots, sleds etc for when you can come to Montana and enjoy REAL snow! We haven't seen bare ground in 3 months.