Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I said I wasn't going to do it, but I....just....couldn't....help it!

Ok. I'm kind of jumping the blog shark here.

The election.

It's really important.

PLEASE do your homework and VOTE.

Especially if you're voting for Obama.

Inspired by this really thoughtful post (and not just 'cause of her conclusion), I had to come out of the closet. If you know me, you know that I don't share many of the views that the mentioned blogger has, but I absolutely respect her for 1) putting herself out there 2) thinking about who she's going to vote for and 3) staying true to her beliefs.

I think that McCain is dangerous for this country if for his foreign policy alone.

Other issues that are important to me:
Upholding and protecting a woman's right to choose
Healthcare for everyone (I don't think McCain's $5000 plan would work)
Gay MARRIAGE rights (not just separate-but-equal "civil unions")- Obama doesn't support gay marriage, but I'll take what I can get
Environmental protection (although McCain does oppose drilling in ANWR)

My choice is pretty clear.

I wonder what the election would be like if Republicans still believed in small government, fiscal conservatism and state's rights instead of out-of-control military spending and the social agenda pushed by the religious right? I'll probably never vote for a Republican, but if they went back to their core values, I'd be much more tempted. But probably not. But you never know, I DO drive a minivan!



MSB said...

Thanks Em!
I agree that it is important for people to go out there and do the research and to make educated decisions!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...


Ha this is SERIOUSLY funny not in the way you probably think (since I am after all a proud Republican). But I agree so so soooooo much about the current Republican leaders!

They spend like drunken sailors and are trying to out-Democrat the Democrats!

...P.S. I looked through your blog and did you marry your high school boyfriend Jeff Bennet?