Friday, January 02, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas up in Bellingham. Amanda and Rob hosted a very chill holiday. We got to see most of the Hendrix clan on Thursday night and then headed back to Seattle Friday. Friday afternoon we headed for Tri-Cities (for a 7 hour trip!) and got to celebrate with Dad and Patty. The snow there melted quickly and our trip back home Sunday was much easier. Although I didn't get as much prep in as I would like, it was a much better Christmas than last year (when we were all very sick and in the ER on Christmas Eve).

We woke up to a fresh new dusting of snow

Santa made it through the snow and put some fancy gifts under the tree for Hank and Atticus

Watching Amanda and Rob open the Wii (and American Idol- Thank God there are no pictures of us playing that!!!)

The boy got his yo-yo. And continues to sleep with it.
Align Center

Sledding: The smarties who stayed inside

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