Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hank- 18 months

Hank turned 18 months on 9/15. He is changing almost every day! Here are some stats:

Number of teeth: still holding at 6, but 1 more is trying to poke through!
Animal sounds: cat, dog, cow, lion, elephant (with trunk!), gorilla/monkey (with arm motions), duck
Words: goodness, too many to name! The boy never stops talking! No is still really popular.
First phrases: "I go" (on 9/9/09). "Bye, bye, XXX (nana, mommy, etc)"
Favorite games: anything with a ball. Today, included palas raquets, tennis ball and a yogurt container
Personality: LARGE! He's usually very happy, but gets pretty upset these days when he doesn't get his way
Favorite book: Goodnight Gorilla! (he LOVES the black and white pages and always read those 2)

He is getting more and more curly. When he turns on the cheesy smile, he looks just like me as a little one.

He LOVES it outside. I have a feeling that it will either be a really long winter or we will have to bundle up a lot for excursions. Favorite outdoor activity is taking walks. We usually take an after-dinner walk and he loves this wind down to the day.

I looked over today and he had turned this bowl upside down to make a chair, grabbed a book and started reading. Such a cutie pie! (Ignore the sick kid in the background.)

         This is what he does when prompted to smile. :)                     This is how I found him.

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