Monday, January 11, 2010

Snapshot- the boys right now

Atticus- Atticus is FOUR and he is very excited about being FOUR (I wish I could put up pics of his party- Sadly, they are on my broken laptop and I need to rescue them.) Since turning FOUR, Atticus has been a very well-behaved sweet boy. He loves playing with Legos (lucky Mom got to put together a very advanced Star Wars Lego set...), loves anything Star Wars, loves playing with Hank and really loves movie night (Saturdays). He's also pretty jazzed that he gets to finally chew gum- I know, I'm a mean mom. I made him wait.

Hank- I'd like to sum up Hank right now by a selection of recent quotes.

"No song" (directed to me, singing along to Mary Poppins)
"No song, Poppins!" (pointing to Mary singing the very same song)
"Uh, I dunno" (comes out Iuuuuno, in response to me asking how his day at school was)
"one, two, three, four, five" (when counting his fingers)

Hank is basically a teenager right now. But he's a very 'nuggly' sweet teenager. :)

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