Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Where has the time gone?

A lot has been going on. First was Callie's graduation party. CONGRATS Callie! She earned her BS in Environmental Science from the Evergreen State College. Callie will be working for the Department of Ecology. (The Meredith girls all have such grown up jobs, now! Who would've thought?) Callie and Marcus are in Peru right now exploring ruins, floating island and llamas. We're so jealous! We miss you guys terribly and can't wait to see you on Friday!

Here are some highlights from the party.

Atticus and Crazy Aunt Manders

Atticus entertaining Auntie Callie, Teresa, Hannah and Beth

Atticus and Grandpa

Callie opening gifts

Crazy cousins Allison, Amanda and Callie

There were a lot of people I didn't get photos of! SORRY! You still get credit for being there ;)

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