Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Don't mess with the man in black

Driving in the car the other day, we were listening to a mix tape (thanks, Dave!). Here is the exchange between Atticus and me:

Atticus: I don't like this song.
Emily: It's Johnny Cash.
Atticus: I don't like Johnny Cash.
Emily: You have to like Johnny Cash, don't say "I don't like Johnny Cash."
Atticus: I already did.

Who taught this kid to be such a smart alec? Oh. Probably me. Oops. I guess I'm getting what I deserve.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that track wasn't the most kid friendly. Hank needs to get down with something more upbeat, like Cocaine Blues or I've Got Stripes.

Emily said...

So, Dave, your task is to create a "kid-friendly" Cash mixtape. I'm holding you to it!